Harmony, Music, & Community
Winter Shabbaton 2025
January 31 and February 1
Music and song bring us together. When we sing and chant, a Capella or with instrumental accompaniment, we create community. We blend our voices and our hearts in harmony. We hear ourselves and others. We listen for deeper, spiritual meanings in the words and texts of Jewish tradition.
During our Winter Shabbaton we’ll explore and enjoy a variety of Jewish musical modes. We’ll sing together and listen to others in Shabbat services and around the Shabbat table.

Shabbaton Events:
Friday Evening, January 31

Shabbat Oneg - 5:45 p.m.
Join us before Friday night Shabbat services for a special Pre Shabbat Oneg celebrating our new and “newish” members!
Whether you just joined, still feel new, or just want to drop in and shmooze, we’d be delighted to welcome you and share this meaningful time together.
Musical Kabbalat Shabbat – 6:15 p.m.
Join us for an upbeat Kabbalat Shabbat service accompanied by guitar to raise up our prayer and song. Craig Parks and David Lipsitz lead us musically as we welcome Shabbat. We’ll sing familiar and learn new melodies to enhance our Shabbat prayer.
Community Shabbat Dinner – 7:15 p.m.
Enjoy the rituals of Shabbat, a delicious Shabbat Dinner buffet, and each other’s company. Adults and children, families and friends are all welcome.
Cost: $25 per adult, $15 kids 5-12, no charge for Kids 4 & under.
Following dinner, David and Craig, along with Rabbi Shulman and Rabbi Avi will present a variety of Jewish songs and styles reflecting the history and richness of music in Jewish tradition and culture.

Saturday Morning, February 1:
Shabbat Morning Service
9:30 AM
Our service will also feature a blend of familiar and new melodies as we renew our spirits through prayer and song, Torah study, and time together in sacred community.
Torah Study Lunch
11:45 AM
Join us for Shabbat lunch, more song, and discussion as we connect Torah text to pertinent Jewish ideas and current events. Rabbi Shulman will guide our study of Torah, rabbinic commentaries, and contemporary Jewish thought.
Saturday Evening, February 1:
Concert featuring Ba'al Tefillah
David Lipsitz
February 1st - 7:30 p.m.
Our Ba’al Tefillah David Lipsitz will share a wide array for his favorite music from U2 and Adele to Israeli Pop and Broadway Show Tunes. You know David from his beautiful synagogue singing. On this night come enjoy as David proudly presents his inaugural concert at Beth El. The evening will begin with Havdalah and include a Wine, Cheese & Dessert Reception.